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since 1787 Over 235 Years of heritage

James J Fox

James J Fox are delighted to introduce a new collection of cigars, the Fox House Blend, demonstrating our desire to create exceptional cigar experiences. With a rich history of importing cigars and creating our own exclusive brands, we bring you our latest masterpiece – a cigar born from our passion for exquisite taste and uncompromising quality.

The objective was set: to create a cigar that delivers complexity of flavours, with evolution through every stage. In collaboration with Oscar Valladares and Hamlet Paredes, the cigars have a high-quality, substantial Colorado wrapper; rich and oily. As the cigar warms up it delivers flavour of sweet, spice and earthiness. The draw is perfect; unimpeded yet still requiring a slight effort. As the cigar progresses it remains sweet and earthy also developing grassy notes with spice. Hints of minerality and clean tobacco lingers as a defined aftertaste. Towards the end of the cigar sweetness is still present with a contrasting pleasant bitterness like dark chocolate, also delicate leather undertones.

Our cigars are presented with a classic yellow ribbon, reminiscent of a select cabinet collection. The rustic, minimal packaging exudes an air of authenticity, emphasizing the timeless tradition behind every cigar.

Experience the legacy, savour the quality, and indulge in the flavour. Discover James J Fox Fox House Blend handcrafted cigars today!

James J Fox

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James J Fox

James J Fox are delighted to introduce a new collection of cigars, the Fox House Blend, demonstrating our desire to create exceptional cigar experiences. With a rich history of importing cigars and creating our own exclusive brands, we bring you our latest masterpiece – a cigar born from our passion for exquisite taste and uncompromising quality.

The objective was set: to create a cigar that delivers complexity of flavours, with evolution through every stage. In collaboration with Oscar Valladares and Hamlet Paredes, the cigars have a high-quality, substantial Colorado wrapper; rich and oily. As the cigar warms up it delivers flavour of sweet, spice and earthiness. The draw is perfect; unimpeded yet still requiring a slight effort. As the cigar progresses it remains sweet and earthy also developing grassy notes with spice. Hints of minerality and clean tobacco lingers as a defined aftertaste. Towards the end of the cigar sweetness is still present with a contrasting pleasant bitterness like dark chocolate, also delicate leather undertones.

Our cigars are presented with a classic yellow ribbon, reminiscent of a select cabinet collection. The rustic, minimal packaging exudes an air of authenticity, emphasizing the timeless tradition behind every cigar.

Experience the legacy, savour the quality, and indulge in the flavour. Discover James J Fox Fox House Blend handcrafted cigars today!