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Cigar 101

  1. What Can Affect the Flavours of Your Cigar?

    What Can Affect the Flavours of Your Cigar?
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  2. Cigar 101: Anatomy of a Cigar

    Cigar 101: Anatomy of a Cigar
    As part of our Cigar 101 series, we’ve already explored several crucial elements of a cigar: flavour, strength and size. The anatomy of a cigar is equally important. Sure, you don’t need to understand its ins and outs in order to fully enjoy a smoke; however, knowledge of a cigar’s components can help you navigate the world of smokes and...
  3. Cigar 101: Flavours

    Cigar 101: Flavours
    Our Cigar 101 series aims to be a comprehensive guide to the world of cigars. After discussing the size and strength of cigars (as well as their anatomy), we are now turning our attention to the rich and complex field of cigar flavours. We are not referring to cigars infused with artificial flavour, but the natural taste of a good...
  4. Cigar 101: Strength

    Cigar 101: Strength
    Cigars are incredibly diverse, so selecting the one that’s perfect for you requires knowledge of its varied features. While our first article explored the difference in cigar sizes, this next instalment of our Cigar 101 series looks into one of the most important components of your cigar; strength. Strength It is important to make the distinction that the lightness or...
  5. Cigar 101: Sizes

    Cigar 101: Sizes
    When choosing a cigar to smoke, there are many things to take into consideration, and if you are new to the world of cigar smoking, the language can be a little confusing. So, rather than remaining confused about the ins and outs of cigars, take a look at the first in our Cigar 101 series where we will discuss cigar...

Items 41 to 45 of 45 total
